It's been a while
Published on: 02 Dec 2024
So, I was setting up again my old intel macbook from 2020 because the security restrictions around personal usage of work laptops are becoming a bit too uncomfortable (although standard).
Then I remembered I had this site still going, and that sometime ago I pushed some changes that were never published. So, I started doing some changes to the site while setting up the tools: lazyvim, wezterm, lazygit, tokyo night and caskaydia mono nerd font.
You can tell I’m still a noob at vim because I just wont face the work of adding links for the items in the list above haha. Wanna save me some frustration. There’s always tomorrow for that!
It’s been four years or so, phew. A while indeed. Need to review the resume content and links, and probably add up some new content as well.
I’m learning a lot about technology organizations, scale, behavior and people in these latest years, but need to find the way to post without breaking any policies.
I’ve updated the site to use Bootstrap 5.3 from a CDN. Wanted to try out tailwindCSS but I saw I needed to build and I said hell naw. Another thing to try out some other day.
Also set up a new (better) pic in the home page!
Definitely should write more. Let’s hope that happens soon™.