Thun (Switzerland), August 2023

Oh, hey there! 👋

I'm Julio (with a hard j, please), thanks for visiting this "personal" site!

I live in Seville (Spain) and since 2011 I've been working in web development, with a strong specialization in Ruby on Rails, both as a full time employee and a contractor.

I've been full remote since 2013, with experience with Spanish, UK and US companies. I firmly believe that with proper organization and communication from all parties, remote is the way to go in the IT industry.

What motivates me? Here's a few: projects with real positive social impact, technology at the service of the people, learning and applying new skills and concepts, patterns and techniques when coding, architecture and systems design, clean code, taming legacy codebases, teaching and mentoring others.

In my spare time I play bass in CARVING COLOURS, a progressive metal band. Since we started in 2010 we've independently released a couple of albums, which are available for purchase (wink, wink) on Bandcamp as well as on Spotify or Apple Music.

Think I can help you out with a project? Let's talk!